London and South-East
Research Schools

About unlocked

This conference is being hosted by the five Research Schools across London and the South-East: London South Research School, East London Research School, North London Alliance Research School, Greenshaw Research School and Durrington Research School.

The Research Schools Network is a collaboration of 33 schools across England, supported by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).

Research Schools work with schools, colleges, and early years settings in their regions to champion the use of evidence and improve teaching and learning, with a focus on socio-economically disadvantaged children and young people. Research Schools provide support to other schools by communicating research evidence, and supporting the translation of this into practice through training, exemplification and school-to-school support.The Network is organised into seven regions, each supported by an EEF Regional Delivery Lead.

the research schools network

Regional Delivery Lead-London and the South East

The Regional Delivery Lead for London and the South East is Sarah Mullins.

Sarah supports the delivery of the EEF regional strategy and helps to build understanding and engagement around our partnership approach in London and the South East. Before working at the EEF, Sarah was a primary school headteacher of a large three-form entry primary school. Prior to this she has worked in a variety of other senior leadership roles in schools and taught across the primary phase. Sarah is also a Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching.

Sarah supports the 5 Research Schools in London and the South East.

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